Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Food Trucks and South Pasadena

Vittles on wheels have become all the rage, in case you have not noticed.  So we've booked a few food trucks to complement our Angel City Brewery and Donati Wines at the upcoming Eclectic Music Festival & Art Walk on May 1. And we'll have a "sample" on April 3 at SoPas Gallery for the opening of the next exhibition - J.T. Burke & Angela. Just in case you want to read up it all first, here's a story. But seriously, the thing to do is come on down and taste it! See you soon.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Review Your Healthcare Plans Now!

Small business (100 employees or fewer) get an immediate and direct benefit from the health care reform package signed by President Obama. There's a tax credit to be had right here and now for many of you - so check it out! Here's an overview from CNN. This blog can't begin to analyze the complexities or explore the politics. But it can serve to remind you - ask your accountant! Interview your benefits provider! Take five from the fifty other chores you have in running your small enterprise and see what changes are in store for you as it relates to healthcare plans.

Monday, March 29, 2010

No Sugar Coated Lesson for the Student Store

The management at the student-run store at the South Pasadena High School recently got a shot of reality when their revenues were whacked by 50% due largely to a change in California law. The junk food law, SB12,  and the sugar water bill SB 965 (overview here) went into full effect this year in the high school, forcing them to remove their star product, AriZoNa Iced tea. They complied. And it cost them. The story attracted the attention of the Small Business Makeover Guru of the LA Times, Cyndia Zwahlen, with a little help from their local Chamber of Commerce . . .

Friday, March 26, 2010

Visual Art Source for the Art Scene!

Here's a terrific way to keep tabs on the local and regional art scene: We are working with Editor and founder Bill lasarow on developing our own local art scene, and really appreciate all he's done for us. Check it out!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Facebook Unmasked at ShopTalk Breakfast

Flustered by Facebook? Turn that frown into a grin by finding out ho to make a Facebook Fan Page deliver eyeballs to your ideas and footsteps to your front door. One of the social networking experts from Susan Sipe Associates walks us through the finer points of Facebook and other social networking media. Make a new friend in the real sense of the word and find out how to get more "friends" online. The next ShopTalk Breakfast is Tuesday, April 6th at 8:00a.m. at Mike & Anne's, 1040 Mission Street. $10 Members/$15 non-members, full meal included. RSVP to 626-441-2339. Thanks to Chamber Trustee Shaw, Moses, Mendenhall & Associates for sponsoring this ShopTalk.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Eclectic Music Festival Fan Page

Many Chamber Members may not know that we have a Facebook Fan Page for the Eclectic Music Festival & Art Walk on May 1st. So just in case you don't . . . here's the link! Eclectic Music Festival & Art Walk 2010. (Hint hint: check it out and become a fan. Promote it to your friends. This helps us to promote the event, which helps your Chamber to keep on helping you!)

Monday, March 22, 2010

Looking for Space?

Retailers, restaurateurs and service pros who have I.D'd South Pas as their next home base - but are looking for a space - stop in at the Chamber! We have a list of available commercial spaces and can refer you to the listing agent. We also have several commercial broker members who can assist you in your search. While we are seing some vacancies, as every city is in this economy, we are also seeing quite an uptick in ribbon cuttings and grand openings. So don't dawdle! For more on South Pasadena see our website.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Welcome to 89.3 KPCC

Southern California Public Radio and 89.3 KPCC opens their new multi-million dollar broadcasting center just up the road from us this weekend. It's a fabulous building. They are a tremendous public radio station. We're lucky to have such great neighbors! The Chamber sent the 100+ employees a little welcome packet - many of our Chamber Members participated in a Public Radio Employee Promotion to encourage "one-stop shopping" in South Pas. After all, they are just one stop away on the Gold Line - Fillmore to Mission Station! So, local merchants, be on the lookout for good-looking, informed and very interesting new customers . . .

Thursday, March 11, 2010

South Pasadena Progress Report

We've added an evergreen page to the website with info on the construction around town. This focusses on commercial projects, of course. Many of you have been asking. Here you go!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Fremont Gallery of Fine Art in South Pasadena

Hats off to Carlos and Lida for the tremendous work they've brought forth at The Fremont Gallery of Fine Art. Looking forward to their participation in the Eclectic Music Festival & Art Walk on May 1st.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Eclectic Music Festival Facebook Page

Okay, so the Chamber is going all viral on the outreach for the Eclectic Music Festival & Art Walk this year. Check out our new Facebook page!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Small Business Tax Tips 2009 - Don't Delay!

Go see your accountant, post haste! Here's a story from the LA Times encouraging small business owners to find out why delay in filing taxes this year could cost real money. Story link. If you need an accountant . . .visit the Chamber's "Find a Business" section online and take your pick. Look under the search by category button and you'll find some longstanding Chamber Members who can probably help you.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Are Craft Fairs Moving Online, Too?

It's online, all the time. Apparently. According to this LA Times story, crafters are discovering the convenience of hawking their handmades on the internet - no tent required! Is this the future of local arts and crafts fairs? Or will the ambiance of local, historic, scenic sites still provide a draw to entice browsers (not the digital type! You know, the traditional one-foot-in-front-of-the-other variety.) Will they come out in search of unique, individualized, serendipitous discoveries? Will shoppers with strollers still conduct real, live searches for treasure, or will they give that over to Google, too?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

South Pas Chamber May Grow the Farmers' Market

City officials have informed the Chamber that we have made the first cut in the contest to run the local Farmers' Market. The City put the long-term operating contract for the popular market up for bid when the original operator folded up as a non-profit organization. Farmers' Markets must have a sponsor, per State law, that is either a farmer, a municipality or a nonprofit 501c organization.

Along with two other would-be operators, including one who currently manages the market on a custodial basis, we will interview with a citizens committee to answer questions about how we would improve the local market. Email me if you'd like to see our proposal, or if you have input on how the beloved South Pasadena Farmers' Market can stay in the hands of a local organization.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Saturday, May 1st is Eclectic Music Festival

The second annual South Pasadena Eclectic Music Festival is set for Saturday, May 1st, 2010. Over twenty live bands will perform in a wide array of musical styles throughout South Pasadena. And galleries and studios will be open for a fabulous Art Walk. Mayor Richard Schneider has powered up the City's CNG circulators buses for use in the event - dubbed the ArtMobiles, they will connect the far ends of town for festival-goers. Stay tuned for more details, and mark your calendars!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Metro Public Art Opportunities

Metro is seeking qualified artists for three large-scale public art commissions at key stations/transit centers along the new Metro Silver Line. For more info visit and click on "Artist Opportunities."

Buy Local Campaigns Work

This just in from Downtown Digest: "More holiday shoppers deliberately sought out locally owned businesses this year, according to a national survey of more than 1,800 independent businesses.

Similar surveys in 2009 and 2008 likewise found that independent businesses in cities with Buy-Local campaigns reported stronger sales than those in communities without such an initiative.

The survey was conducted by the Institute for Local Self-Reliance, a not-for-profit research organization, and reported in the March issue of Downtown Promotion Reporter."