Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

Here's wishing us all a healthy and, er . . . more prosperous year in 2010 than we just came through in Oh Nine! Check out the Chamber Events Calendar for great ways to start the New Year off with your friendly local Chamber of Commerce. Visit

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Float Time!

The crew is gearing up for the final stages of the float construction and decoration - it's Tournament Time! (Of Roses, that is.) Stop in on our next Network Koffee at the float site in the War Memorial Parking Lot and check it out. Thursday, December 17 at 8am. Food by the soon-to-be-open Great Harvest Bread Co. Yum!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Out of the Ashes of Old City Yard Rises . . . What?

The City Council of South Pasadena wants your ideas on what to do with the City-owned property at 825 Mission Street. This site was home base to Public Works Department vehicles and supplies - and part of it still is - in an "open air" kind of way. You see, in April 2009, a fire reduced the usable facilities area, a bit. Now they want to know: replace, rebuild, renew, redo? About two-thirds of the west garage was destroyed. On the other hand, thanks to our crack fire team and support from many others, the historic Plunge Building next door was saved.
Please submit your suggestions to the City Manager's Office by December 31, 2009 via letter, fax, email, or in person at: City Hall-City Manager's Office, 1414 Mission Street, South Pasadena, CA 91030 or call (626) 403-7210 or Fax to (626) 403-7211 or email:

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Channel 99 for City Council

Hey, Council Watchers everywhere . . . but especially in SouthPas: here's the news! AT&T U-verse in South Pasadena now has the City Council meetings for you. If you're already a subscriber, go to Channel 99 and scroll alphabetically 'til you see South Pasadena. For more info, visit Of course, TimeWarner Cable folks in the City can still see it on Channel 19. And for the rest of you . . . well, it's LIVE at City Hall every first and third Wednesday (unless otherwise dutifully posted by Sally Kilby, City Clerk) at 1414 Mission Street in South Pasadena.