Friday, January 22, 2010

Motion and Progress

Once a wise Production Manager in my employ told me "Don't confuse motion with progress". I thought of her this morning when I was at the Chamber's Network Koffee at Stanislawski CPA's, housed in the original Baranger Motions Factory. Barangers, HQ South Pasadena 1922 - 1950ish, was bringing in millions in today's dollars by creating animated display window dioramas and shipping them all over the United States, pre Great Depression Era. Jewellers would order up the displays for a month and then ship them back. Apparently, enough of them did so to create a substantial business for Barrangers. That business is long gone - victim of "progress", as shopping has moved from downtown to malls and eye candy is found on computer screens instead of in main street windows. Sigh.

PS - Thanks to Chuck Stanislawski for buying and preserving this storied building, and for hosting us this morning.

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